
About Me

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Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
I am a white African. Contradiction in terms? I think not. Sometimes my blog will be serious; sometimes sad; sometimes irreverent; sometimes witty; always my truth simply written.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cabalistic - Acrostic Dectina

a sign
before we
all leave this place
lest we be forgot
in the time still to come.
Secrete our rituals in great rock
that all may know we once were here.
Invincible warlocks, hear me now -
Carve a sign before we all leave this place.

(All rights reserved) 

The Acrostic Dectina is a poetry form invented by Philip of Poet Freak.


  1. very touching and surely a thought provoking one...:)..!
    i am ur new follower...hope you follow bak:)

  2. Thanks for the visit. I enjoyed this form, go Philip! :)
    I think my children are my signs, proof I was here :)

  3. Thank you for visiting and following 'the floodgate of feelings'. I pictured Stonehenge when I wrote this...

    Lynn, yes our children are our proof that we were here... and our poetry... We have left our mark on the world in our own way.

    Thanks for visiting.

  4. Thanks for sharing with us such a beautiful work...I enjoyed this poem greatly :)

    Short Poems

  5. Many thanks Marinela for visiting. I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed my poem.
